How to sell technology to the government
Learn how to sell your technology to the government

1.0 Dev-Bur-Ops
"I talked to <someone who wears a uniform> and they love it!". Great, you solved a small potion of your problem.

2.0 The Valley of Death
Where is this valley, and why is it full of dead unicorns?

3.0 The Government Archipelagos
Ever wonder how the COCOMs, Services, and operational Commands work together? Yeah, so does everyone else.

4.0 The DoD R&D Ecosystem
There are many players in the DoD R&D ecosystem, and many dynamics that come with them.

5.0 Understanding Your (Real) Customer
If you knew who they were, you probably wouldn't be reading this.

6.0 Building Runway
Jumping the valley takes time, and money, let's look for some of the latter so you can buy the former.

7.0 Where Does Program Funding Come From?
A budget is a terrible thing to waste, unless it's on your contract, and then it's great.

8.0 Shortcuts in GovCon
There are some short cuts, tl;dr: they cost money

9.0 You Can't Have Money Without a Contract
Long live the Contracting Officer, they bestow the grace of green.

10.0 Collect Them Merit Badges
There are two options: collect them, or find another industry, but you don't have to collect them all at once.

11.0 Let's Talk About Sales
It's just sales, all the way down. Cut out the jargon and terms of art and it's just sales.

12.0 The Unwritten Truth About Conferences
Have you ever gone to a GovCon conference and left feeling a few dollars poorer and no closer to your next big contract? You're not alone.

13.0 Simple Go to Market Strategy
Figuring out who you're selling to can be simple, but very hard.

14.0 The SOF-To-Service Transition Model

Bonus Chapter: Spotting A Unicorn
If you're a VC and trying to spot a winning unicorn, we have some thoughts.