Module 0: GovCon GPT Master Class
Generative AI is a skill that everyone in GovCon needs to have going forward, This master class is designed to help you gain those skills
Generative AI is here to stay. As such, there will be two types of people in the government contracting industry in the near future: those who use AI and thrive, and those who don’t and become unemployed. Let’s make YOU the former not the latter.
But AI is confusing, it’s moving fast, and the “simple” tutorials are often anything but. So we assembled this master class to help GovCon folks up-skill to this new technology easily and conveniently.
Course Format
Here’s how the course works, each module includes:
- a long form text to read and leverage
- 📣 wonk notes give you factoids to add to your subject matter expertise (to drop around the water cooler)
- a practical step you can take at the end of each module to put your skills to use
- an online community to help you out
New modules will drop on a regular basis, at least weekly so you have fresh content to consume and skills to up.
So, read the article, follow the practical exercise, and share about it in the LinkedIn group.
We include all of our prompts freely so you can try them yourself, modify them for your purposes, and even share them in your own content if you choose. This course and all of it’s contents are the property of UseRogue.com and are offered under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License. You are free to adapt and reuse provided (1) that you provide attribution and link to the original work, and (2) you share alike.
Cool thing for YOU: if you have an idea for a content segment, you contribute a content segment, or contribute to a content segment, you get credit too. This is a community effort, we will learn and grow together.
Important Notes
©️You are free to adapt and reuse provided (1) that you provide attribution and link to the original work, and (2) you share alike. This course and all of its contents are the property of UseRogue.com and are offered under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License. If you want to reuse, all you have to do is copy and paste this disclaimer and include it in your work: “Brought to you in part by UseRogue.com under CC BY-SA 4.0”
⏩The link to the next module is at the end of each module, we encourage you to go through each one.
🪵Like AI, this course will evolve and grow, we will keep a change log at the end of this article to keep you up to date on those changes
Practical Exercise:
- review the course outline below
- join the LinkedIn Community group (optional but encouraged)
- find the YouTube channel
- share this course with at least one friend whom you think would benefit and invite them to the LinkedIn group if you can
Course Outline
- What is a GPT and why should I care? - Intro to generative models
- AI Model Catalog
- Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks
- Text Generation
- Proposal Tasks
- Company Capability Statement
- SBIR/STTR Proposals
- Turn a SOO into a SOW
- AI For Capture Part 1
- AI For Capture Part 2
- OTA Proposals
- RFI/Source Sought Response
- RFP Summarization
- Technical Approach Idea Generation
- Intro to Proposal Content Generation
- Intro Compliance Matrix
- Technical Approach
- Management Approach
- Intro to Cost Volume
- Intro to Resumes
- Advanced Proposal Writing
- Business Tasks
- SBA 8(a) Social Disadvantage Narrative
- Intro to Monthly Status Reports
- PowerPoint Decks
- Memos and Other Documents
- Document Analysis
- Summarize content into talking points
- Trip Itineraries
- Security
- Intro to Annual Training Slides
- Intro to CMMC/NIST Compliance Documents
- Image Generation
- Intro to Image Prompt Engineering
- Blog or Social post images
- Realistic Images
- Artistic images
- Using your own images
- Outpainting
- Merging
- Image to Text
- Video
- Video Pitch
- Blog-to-VLOG
- Product Overview Briefs
- Company Standard Training
- Voice and Audio
- Text-to-speech
- Text-to-music
- Other
- Playing with Data
- Writing Code
- Text to app prototyping
- Build a company website
- Bringing It Together
- Cross-prompting
GovCon GPT Masterclass
31 lessons
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